For National Athletic Training Month in 2022 we are exploring the theme “Providing Health Care Everywhere” and we can’t think of a better way to do that than to showcase some of our own outstanding athletic trainers. We’ll spend the month sharing with you the inside scoop from athletic trainers who are working in emerging settings and unique positions. So read on and enjoy!

Ariana Valdez, LAT, ATC, FMSC
Where did you go to School? Whitworth University in Spokane, WA
Current AT Setting: Upon graduating from Whitworth University, I have worked within the industrial
setting for the past four years and currently going on my fifth year within this setting. I have worked for
Work-Fit at Boeing, BIOKINETIX at Georgia-Pacific’s Brunswick Cellulose Mill, and now am currently
working for Amazon.

Who are your “athletes”: For the industrial setting, my “athletes” are the employees that work for
these companies. The employees vary as if working in the traditional setting covering multiple sports. Each employee has a different job task and skill set, just as an athlete would for a team.
With BIOKINETIX, I worked with the employees at Georgia-Pacific: Brunswick Cellulose Mill. This
consisted of mechanics, engineers, electricians, supervisors, IT, the management team, environmental team, and all other that were needed to have a paper mill run efficiently.
What’s your schedule like: My schedule varied depending on what was needed by the company I was servicing. My hours consisted of a 40-hour work week, that could range from a 5 day / 8-hour work week, 4 day / 10-hour work week, or whatever was needed to be able to fulfill the needs for my site. However, 40 hours total was the typical work week as long as all work was completed.
What does your facility/ATR look like: My ATR consisted of an office space where I had a portable treatment table, desk and computer, and usually a few self-care tools that were accessible for employees to use. Although I had a specific office space, my main office was usually the entire mill where I spent most of my time proactively engaging with employees and sharing education on body mechanics, and overall wellness. While having the paper mill as my “homefield” as one could say, just as a traditional Athletic Trainer, I would have a portable “pack” that consisted of more self-care tools that I could take on the go for employees who had difficulties leaving their workstation to visit my “ATR”.
Have you been to any exciting locations/events with this job: For BIOKINETIX I was able to travel to
multiple states and cities for training, “launches” of our program, conventions, and company meetings. I
would have to say that one of the most exciting locations that I was able to travel to for BIOKINETIX, was
to Cape Canaveral, FL. Reason being, was that in Cape Canaveral, FL I was able to watch a rocket launch
up close as our company was contracted for COVID-19 Screening at this facility for the rocket launch
What do you like most about your job: The people. Having the opportunity to gain trust and build
rapport with these employees to then establish positive, life-long relationships. I enjoy working in the
industrial setting because of those I get to help daily. My main goal is to help educate others of their
health and wellness to provide holistic care and decrease their risks of receiving an injury. In doing so,
they are able to continue to work as needed to provide for themselves as well as their families. Not only
is injury prevention at the work-site my main goal, but also to assist the employees in maintaining good
health so they are able to enjoy the things they do outside of work. Whether that is playing catch with
their kid, walking their dog, or playing a pick-up basketball game, my ultimate goal is to provide the tools
and knowledge needed for them to have a positive lifestyle. **Or compete in a Spartan Race (photo
Advice for an AT who wants to work in this setting: My advice for AT’s who may want to work in this
setting is to focus primarily on building that rapport with those you are servicing. What allowed for my
program to be successful, was having that trust built between myself and the employees where I could
then interact with the them both efficiently and effectively. As Athletic Trainers we have the skill set
needed to be a well-rounded healthcare provider, but when it comes to the industrial setting we may be
starting from square one with first educating others on what an Athletic Trainer is, as well as what we
are capable of to then perform our role as a healthcare provider.
Bonus Info about working at Amazon: I started as an IPS (Injury Prevention Specialist) back in November of 2021 which was right at the start of "PEAK" for Amazon. Peak is just the busy time of the year for Amazon because of the holidays, Black Friday, etc. As an IPS, I spend my day performing proactive engagements with associates, educating them on proper body mechanics for repetitive movements that they perform throughout the day. I also support safety through recognizing ergonomic concerns, and focusing on injury trends to see how we can best decrease these risk factors. I am still quite new in this role and am still learning lots of what we are capable of doing as IPS, but that is a brief description of my current position!
