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NATM Spotlight: Hayden Burch


For National Athletic Training Month in 2022 we are exploring the theme “Providing Health Care Everywhere” and we can’t think of a better way to do that than to showcase some of our own outstanding athletic trainers. We’ll spend the month sharing with you the inside scoop from athletic trainers who are working in emerging settings and unique positions. So read on and enjoy!

Hayden Burch, MS, LAT, ATC

Where did you go to school? Radford University for my bachelors in Athletic Training, then to the University of North Georgia for a Master's of science in kinesiology.

Current AT Setting: Industrial – Flint River Mill for International Paper in Oglethorpe, GA

Employer: Moore Wellness Systems

Years at current job: Almost 2

Who are your “athletes”? My “athletes” are the employees at Flint River including both hourly and salary. In addition to the employees, I also work with contractors who work onsite.

What’s your schedule like? I work four 10-hour days (06:30-16:30 Monday-Thursday) but I remain on call for any injuries at the mill 24/7.

What does your facility/ATR look like? I have two treatment rooms equipped with ultrasound and stim units, rehab equipment, small whirlpool, hydrocollator, 3 treatment tables, as well as paraffin wax treatment... pretty much everything you would find in a traditional treatment room. In addition to the treatment rooms, we also have access to a full fitness center that is onsite at the mill.

Have you been to any exciting locations/events with this job? Not yet, but I'm sure they're coming!

What do you like most about your job? One of the things I enjoy most about my current setting is having a very laid back pace of work compared to the traditional setting along with having a set daily schedule. There is also very little travel related to work and having a three day weekend every week is a plus too.

Any advice for an AT who wants to work in this setting? It is usually a slower pace of work than working in the traditional setting with more chronic injuries rather than acute injuries.I suggest trying to take advantage of downtime you have by getting additional certifications that can help broaden your knowledge and skills. Having a good working relationship with any medical staff onsite as well as health and safety managers is essential to make sure everyone is on the same page.


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