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NATM Spotlight: Kelly Ellis


For National Athletic Training Month in 2022 we are exploring the theme “Providing Health Care Everywhere” and we can’t think of a better way to do that than to showcase some of our own outstanding athletic trainers. We’ll spend the month sharing with you the inside scoop from athletic trainers who are working in emerging settings and unique positions. So read on and enjoy!

Kelly S. Ellis, MS, ATC, LAT, PTA, CKTP, ITAT, CES

Where did you go to school? Kennesaw State University- B.S. Exercise and Health Science; Athens Technical College- A.A.S. Physical Therapist Assistant; Florida International University- M.S. Athletic Training

Current AT Setting: Professional Basketball

Employer: The Harlem Globetrotters

Years at current job: 2.5 years

Who are your “athletes”? Professional basketball players (Men and Women)

What’s your schedule like? While in-season, we travel from Christmas Day to the middle of May all over the US. During our off-season (Summer and Fall), we tend to do International Tours! We travel everyday when we are on tour! We get on the bus early in the mornings to drive to the next city (or sometimes fly). Once we arrive, we have 30 minutes to set up and then practice is usually an hour or two. After practice, the players come get their treatments and rehab done until warm-ups. Games usually are at 7pm and last about 2 hours. After the games, we breakdown all of the equipment and then get on the bus to head to our hotel for the evening.

What does your facility/ATR look like? Because we are in a new venue each day, sometimes I get access to the athletic training facilities at colleges and NBA arenas and sometimes I have to setup a table and equipment in the hallway behind a privacy screen.

Have you been to any exciting locations/events with this job? So far I have been to a LOT of cities/ states on the east coast. We are currently in Canada for 2 weeks on tour. However, the most exciting place I have been to so far was Spain. We were able to tour in November 2021 all over Spain, including to the beautiful island of Mallorca.

What do you like most about your job? EVERYTHING! I love getting to travel from city to city to unique places and of course the overseas tours! I have a great rapport with the players and coach and so we’re always having a good time, especially during the games! I absolutely love getting to interact with the fans and watching them make memories with The World Famous Harlem Globetrotters!

Any advice for an AT who wants to work in this setting? Don’t let fear stop you! This job is rigorous, but rewarding! If you love to travel and don’t mind staying busy, this is the place to be! There is always something exciting going on each game- you never know what might happen! It can be challenging at times but always remains fun!


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